Friday, November 21, 2008

emus and cangaroos can't walk backwards, they say, that's why..

sydney today. I'm wandering around with big eyes like a starved orphan - pies!muffins!supermarkets! empty streets, empty sidewalks, GIANT sidewalks, no motorbikes, people walk so fast! They are arrogant and busy!! The heat is so dry I keep putting creme on my skin. It is almost unbelievably CLEAN!
Arrived at 5.30am and am dead tired. I got the plane's prime seat, next to two transsexuals - the one next to me, Bianca, was a sweet person and quite a character. her make-up was the most impeccable I'd ever seen (hello there wedding!), her hair fake blonde curls, fake blue lenses, pumps, and a pink very hole-filled sort of dress from which protruded her fairly large belly. She was impractical and a bit dumb and apparently very warm-hearted and eager to tell me all about her family, boyfriends, operations, when, where, price and degree of pain and sensitivity of the area; nose job, boob job, and now the big change... I was torn between breathless interest and being overwhelmed with all the details... and of course, I didn't get any sleep.

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