just look at these clouds! this is a regular feature... there's waaay too much water around here... we had a major major thunderstorm the day before yesterday which half came through the thin walls of my spartan guesthouse. accordingly, I fled, couldn't sleep there anyway. now I'm settled in a comparatively royal place... there's even a tv. I'm happy. tom and jerry for me!
I went to the Tuol Sleng Museum about the horrors which the Khmer Rouge committed in this High Security Prison.
anyone reminded of stammheim, like me? this used to be a school! it's creepy. and heartbreaking.
what the old lady is selling - i thought that was something to eat at first, but I think it's flowers..
I would write more but the guy next to me cannot stop trying to get his puss or whatever out and I might hit him if I don't leave, so, in the name of nonviolence, see you soon..
Pnom Penh was far smaller and far less dangerous and sinister than I had imagined it. Even the most-haughty and been-there types of BPs had cousneled me not to be alone, at night, with a bag ... Consequently what happened was that on my first day there, which I spent riding around by bike (mainly to avoid having to say "no thanks" every minute, especially to such inciting invitations as "you go killing fields with me!"), I got lost, at night, alone, and with a bag. And after the initial panic, everything was fine.
getting almost stuck on the way to the border: 3hrs of chuckholes, seven people in the car (two in the driver's seat as the Japanese guy in the front had payed for two seats and was therefore left alone..)
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